has been a pioneer in Costa Rica in the implementation of management systems to demonstrate Carbon Neutrality under the recognition of the Government of Costa Rica. has developed a Greenhouse Gas Management System based on international standards: ISO 14064-1, GHG Protocol and IPCC, which has allowed organizations in up to 22 countries and 11 different industries to be verified as Carbon Neutral before an Agency Greenhouse Gas Verifier accredited in ISO 14065.
That you are clear about what we do and how you will impact the world is our responsibility!
Standards of reference: ISO 14064 -1 / GHG Protocol / IPCC
Greenhouse effect gases.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
National Meteorological Institute of Costa Rica.
Specified historical period, for purposes of comparing GHG emissions or removals or other information related to GHGs over a period of time.
Note: Base year emissions or removals can be quantified based on a specific period (eg one year) or can be averaged over several periods (eg several years).
Calculated increase in GHG removals between a baseline scenario and the management plan.
Organization or person requesting validation or verification. Note: It could be the responsible party or manager of the GHG program or other party involved.
It is achieved when through a transparent emissions measurement process (e), the result of the net calculation of emissions minus emissions reductions and / or increased removals (r), minus compensation (c) is equal steel. It is expressed as:
e (i) - [r (i) + c (i)] = 0
Where i is the year or period of the inventory.
Quantitative measure of the activity that produces a GHG emission or removal.
Examples: amount of energy, fuel or electricity consumed, material produced, service provided or areas of the land affected.
Total mass of a GHG released into the atmosphere in a given period.
GHG emissions from GHG sources owned or controlled by the organization.
GHG emissions resulting from the organization's activities, but originating from GHG sources owned or controlled by other organizations.
Unit for comparing the radiation force of a GHG with carbon dioxide.
Note: Carbon dioxide equivalent is calculated using the mass of a given GHG multiplied by its global warming potential.
Factor that relates the activity data with GHG emissions or removals.
Unit or physical process that releases GHG into the atmosphere.
Greenhouse gases established by the Kyoto Protocol, which include: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N20), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PCFs) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).
Parameter associated with the quantification result, which characterizes the dispersion of values that could reasonably be attributed to the quantified quantity.
Note: Information on uncertainty generally specifies quantitative estimates of the likely spread of values, and a qualitative description of the likely causes of the spread.
Stand-alone document intended to communicate GHG-related information from an organization to its intended user.
A report can include a GHG statement.
The sources, sinks, emissions and removals of GHGs of an organization.
Actions that reduce GHG emissions or increase sinks and forms of capture.
Actions that involve preparing for the consequences of variations in the climate.
It implies knowing the current transformations, as well as the expected ones.
Physical unit or process that releases a GHG into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gas sink: physical unit or process that removes a GHG from the atmosphere.
Company, corporation, firm, company, authority, institution, or a part or combination of them, incorporated or not, public or private, that has its own functions and administration.
Person or persons responsible for providing the GHG statement and supporting GHG information.
Factor that describes the impact of the radiation force of a unit based on the mass of a given GHG, in relation to the equivalent unit of carbon dioxide in a given period.
Total mass of a GHG removed from the atmosphere in a given period.
Calculated reduction in GHG emissions between a baseline scenario and the management plan.
Policies, processes and procedures to establish, manage and maintain information on GHGs.
Physical and / or chemical unit or process that removes GHG from the atmosphere.
Individual or organization identified by those who report what is related to GHG, as well as the one who uses said information for decision-making.
Note: El usuario previsto puede ser el cliente, la parte responsable, los administradores del programa de GEI, los organismos reguladores, la comunidad financiera u otras partes involucradas afectadas, tales como las comunidades locales, departamentos gubernamentales u organizaciones no gubernamentales.
Degree of susceptibility or inability of a system to cope with the adverse effects of climate change and, in particular, climate variability and extreme events.
Vulnerability will depend on the nature, magnitude and speed of climate change to which a system is exposed, and on its sensitivity and capacity for adaptation.
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